Foods to Eat for Great Dental Health

We often think about keeping our body in tip-top condition but, according to a private dentist in Huddersfield, a lot of us don’t give the same thought to how certain food choices can impact our oral health.

The award-winning Fresh Smile Dental Clinic, based in Brighouse, Huddersfield, says good nutrition plays a massive role in keeping our teeth clean and healthy along with a good dental routine like regular brushing and flossing.

Our very own Dr. Kirrin Punia explains which foods are great for our dental health and you be surprised by some of them with things like soft cheeses, butter and salami all making the list.

Today’s key question to consider!

Do you floss and brush regularly but still get cavities? Well, this may well be down to your diet!

“Teeth need proper nutrition and are living organs just like all of those other vital cogs in your body,” explains Dr. Punia.

“They need to be given the chance to maintain healthy and acceptable levels of dentin and enamel or else they won’t be able to stay intact.

“By consuming a good level of minerals and vitamins, teeth will regenerate naturally, staying healthy and strong in the process.

What not to do!

If you’re constantly feeding your body – warns Fresh Smile Clinic, a leading private dentist in Huddersfield – the wrong types of food, acid, and bacteria will build and hinder the natural process of breaking them down.

The result?

Your teeth will break down much faster than they’re able to regenerate themselves. You need proper nutrients to help this process as well as brushing and keeping on top of your oral routine.

Malnutrition is a major problem in the western world we live in so can easily fall foul of this problem if you’re not careful.

So, what should you be eating? When it all comes down to it, it comes down to four essential vitamins, that is, A, D, K2 and the ever-reliable E.

Here are some great examples of each…

Vitamin A: Eggs, milk, fish, beef liver.

Vitamin D: Grass-fed dairy products, mushrooms, fatty fish.

Vitamin K2: Salami, liver, soft cheeses.

Vitamin E: Nuts, broccoli, spinach.

Fresh Smile Clinic’s final thoughts

We know for a fact that a nutritious, well-balanced diet will help you massively when it comes to keeping your teeth and oral health in check, preventing the need for restorative dental procedures such as dental implants. We also offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry options such as composite bonding, veneers and teeth whitening in Huddersfield.

Not to mention keeping your skin glowing and your body in peak condition!

Get in touch with Fresh Smile, Huddersfield’s favourite dental practice today on 01484 714 640 or contact us here. We’d be happy to help!

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